Wednesday 15 June 2011

Social Class

In British, the society is divided in to 3 social classes: upper class, middle class and working class. Usually, people can see the differences between the classes. According to the video in Channel4 (2011), it can be clearly seen the differences between a Northern working class lady and upper class lady. When she became upper class lady her physical appearance changed for example, her clothes and hairstyle changed to classic style. Also, it is clearly the way of speaking has changed to more seriously way. In addition, it hard to accept other people's lives as the lady said in the end of the video she didn’t like the upper class life because they always talk about money. Therefore, these are some differences between the upper class and working class.

POSH: phrase for Port out, starboard home. The word usually refer to upper class people which it mean elegant, swanky and rich. Many people believe the word came from the old story when British people travel to India by ship (The Phrase Finder, 2010).


Channel4 (2011) Shop girl to It girl. Available at: (Accessed: 17 Jun 2011)

The phrase Finder (2010) Posh. Available at:
(Accessed: 17 Jun 2011)


In British sport is important to most of the people, they take part in many popular sports. The main sports are football, tennis, golf, rugby, cricket and horse racing. Each of the sport has it sporting venue. Wembley stadium is famous stadium for football and cricket in the world, placed in London in the 19th century. Moreover, Twickenham is sporting venue for rugby, also it located in London since 1910. The Wimbledon, one of the popular tennis places. In addition, the Ascot Racecourse venue is the famous in the world for hours racing. Furthermore, St. Andrews golf course is one of the main golf places in British. Therefore, those are the best venue for every sport (Trev, 2010).

There is yearly calendar establishing which represent the date of sporting events. The next hours racing will be in 22 June 2011 (BBC 2011).


Trev (2010) The Ten Greatest Sporting Venue in Britain. Available at:
(Accessed: 17 Jun 2011)

BBC (2011) Radio Merseyside. Available at:
(Accessed: 17 Jun 2011)

Crime and Punishment

Every human know the meaning of crime, each crime has specific punishment. Nowadays, juvenile crime is the main crime in British. The young people make this type of crime, for example: joy riding, vandalism and graffiti. Moreover, community service and rehabilitation can be the best way to solve this problem. Furthermore, the political activists should not break the law. They have the power which people can learn from them how to respect the law. However, people cannot drink and drive because they are putting their life and other people life’s at risk. Government should put strict laws to drink and drive crime. On other hand, tax evasion and social security fraud are common problem over the world (IEA, 2011).


Institute of Economic Affairs (2011) Crime and Society.  Available at:
(Accessed: 17 Jun 2011)


The National Health Services is the main organisation in UK that offers health care. NHS provides people many services that help them in their health life, for example; emergency and urgent care, hospital service, dental services and other important services. This blog will consider the GP services and social care services.
General practitioners (GP) is the first places people have to contact for their health problem and then they direct the patient to other NHS services. The GP gives people:
·      Advice on health problems,
·      Vaccinations,
·      Examinations and treatment,
·      Prescriptions for medicines, and
·      Referrals to other health services and social services (NHS, 2010).

Social care services are for people who need consultant help like, for people with psychological problems or housing problem. People can find them in hospital, schools and many other places (NHS, 2009).

In conclusions, NHS has many services and benefits, which can help people.

The Free choice video has been chosen to comment on it. Firstly the interviewed people do not know which hospital they can choose. In April 2008, British people had the choice of any NHS hospital they want. In addition, people think that this idea is good for them. It helps people to choose the nearest hospital to their home also to make the transportation easier. People have 3 methods to choose their hospital. They can do it by online ‘health space’, in GP surgery and or bring the chosen appointment book line.



NHS (2010) NHS General Practitioners. Available at:
(Accessed: 17 Jun 2011)

NHS (2009) Social Care Services. Available at:
(Accessed: 17 Jun 2011)

Welfare System

Welfare is systems that help and sport people who needs. This blog will consider about the benefits In the UK.

In the UK, there are many advantages to get like, housing, sickness, maternity and death grant. The age of pension and retirement is not the same. The age retirement in UK is same for the men and women which the can retirement over 50. However, the age of pension different for the men and women and the age can be changed by the years. Nowadays, the State pension age for men is 65 and women 60 to 65 started from April 2010 who is born on or after 6 April 1950. The pension is 102.15 per week for old people and some of them take more. Also, some people take more because they get additional State pension. Secondly, unemployed people have benefits, which they can get support and help to find a job from Jobcentre Plus. Furthermore, the also can acquire Jobseeker's Allowance. On the other hand, children in UK can as well get their benefits. Every child can have a tax-free payment; it paid monthly and sometimes weekly. The parents on someone who are responsible for the child can get the payment. Therefore, these are some benefits in UK (Direct Government, 2011)

Direct Government (2011) Pensions and retirement planning. Available at:
(Accessed: 17 Jun 2011)


In British there are many different newspapers. The independent, The Guardian, and the Daily telegraph are the most popular newspaper in British. A broadsheet and a tabloid are tow type of newspaper. There are differences and similarities between them. This blog will consider about the differences between a broadsheet and a tabloid.

Broadsheet is the large in the size than the tabloid. It is serious and academic article. Moreover, inside the broadsheet newspaper there is small paper like, the mail. The Independent newspaper is one example for broadsheet. However, the tabloid is less serious and academic where it is easier for people to read and understand because of the simple language and consist of more pictures. Therefore, those are the differences between the broadsheet and tabloid.

Five various newspapers have been selected in the same date Monday 9th May 2011.
1. The Independent: Shadow over Sellafield.
2. The daily telegraph: Workers are 40 pc better off in public sector.
3. Western Mail: Work with labour to from new coalition, parties are urged.
4. Echo South Wales: This Hilton is “too cheap” for Butetown.
5. The Guardian: Nato units left 61 migrants to die of hunger and thirst.

The main news in the newspaper can clearly observe because the topic title written by large font and there is summary under the title which at the end of the summery they write expressions like, “continued on page”. Also, some times it takes most of the front page. Moreover, all the newspaper consists of the same main news, but in different page and title.


Nowadays, TV became the most important media to the world. Each country has it way of broadcasting. This blog will consider about the broadcasting in British and Qatar.

Firstly, in British there are many televisions broadcasting. The main broadcasting in British is BBC (British Broadcasting Company), which is the first broadcasting company in British. It is independent company of government, but also the government can influence the company to do not show something. Moreover, advertisement is significant part in media. It is one of the ways to funding the company. In TV the advertising usually promote for the goods like food, drinks and shops. Each advertisement takes for 1 to 3 minutes. One other hand, the in the UK TV channels there is many programmers represents, for instant: documentary, news and children programmers. In addition, TV soap operas are serials with daily life. There are serial and series programmers. In serial the main actors or characters unchanged from serial to serial but each episode have it storyline. However, a series is particular number of episode. But, in serials there is no specific number of episodes it is continually (Chandler, 1994).

In contrast, most of TV broadcasting in Qatar control by the government. Qatar has many channels and the most popular channel is Aljazeera. Moreover, Aljazeera shows the world events news. The channel is not control by the government. The advertisement in Qatar channels is same as the UK channels which they advertise the different type of goods (Qatar Embassy, 2010).

In conclusion, British and Qatar has it own methods of broadcasting and each of then depends in it is government.


Chandler, D. (1994) The TV Soap Opera Genre and its Viewers. Available at:
(Accessed: 17 Jun 2011)

Qatar Embassy (2010) Qatari Media. Available at:
(Accessed: 17 Jun 2011)

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Universities life between UK and Qatar

Student in Qatar get into university in age 18. Each university have it own entry requirement. Most of the universities need from the student to do the international exams of Math, English and Computer in addition to the high school certificate.
Qatar University opened in 1973 the oldest university in Qatar. Today the system in Qatar University has been changed. The most of subject teaches in English language. So, they require from student to get 5.5 in IELTS or 550 in TOFEL to entry first year. There are maximum 2 years for student who does not get the IELTS or TOFEL score. Moreover, male and female are separate from each other in colleges according to traditions.
Nowadays, different universities opened in Qatar in Qatar Foundation.
Qatar Foundation, focusing in education and research.
There are 6 different universities:
1-(1998) Virginia Commonwealth University teaches arts and design
2-(2002) Weill Cornell Medical College teaches medical
3-(2004) Texas A&M University teaches engineering
4-(2004) Carnegie Mellon University teaches computer,science,business and information system
5-(2005) Georgetown School of Foreign Service teaches international affairs
6-(2008) Northwestern University teaches journalism and communication
Those universities are Co-educational.

All the universities in Qatar teach in USA systems. Students spent maximum years to finish BSc
Qatari students they get the education free from the first year to the last year. In addition, students live with their parents. Usually boys and girls do not leave their parents house until they get married.
Many Qatari students study abroad in UK or USA the most two countries that the government of Qatar send their students. Students choose to study out said the country because it is easy to get the offer. Students can acquire a new experience and knowledge. Also, they can be more self-reliance.

However, in United Kingdom students get in to universities in age 16. Every university has it entry conditions. It is important for students in year 11 to know which they interested in to study, to help them know what grade and qualification they need. In UK there are two type of doing high education; staying in full-time education or learning while you work.

Full-time education:
For UK students, to get higher education there are a range of academic, work-related and skills-based qualifications.

Learning while you work:
“An Apprenticeship can be a route into higher education”

UK student they have to pay to get into university, but there is financial help. For full-time student they can apply for Student Loans to pay the fees and living coast and they will not have to cover the payment back. UK student usually leave their parents home when they get 18 year. Sometime Student need to leave their parents house because the university in different city.
There are many universities in UK. Oxford University and Cambridge University are the two famous universities in UK.

Sunday 6 March 2011


The Senedd is one of the most important places in Wales, which show the significant phase in the history of transfer in Wales. Also, it is the home of National Assembly. The Senedd building opened in the first of March in 2006. The location of the Senedd is in Cardiff Bay; visitors can see the wonderful view. In the front of the Senedd there are restaurants and nice view. In the entire building there are a glass Facada around it. The building built by steel, wood, steel concrete and slate. It has three floors. One the first floor there is the Neuadd, which is the reception area for the Senedd. On the second floor the visitors can see the funnel in the Orial. The funnel consists of a collection of aluminum pipes that made to reflect the outside lights from glass into the Siamber. The three committee rooms and the Cwrt are in the ground floor. The committee rooms covered by glass walls to reduce building’s energy and for ensure that that assembly’s business forming laws is open and transparent for Welsh government. The public gallery hold in the Siamber there is a plenary meeting on every Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 1:00 to 6:00 afternoons. Anybody can go and watch the plenary meeting. They talk in English and Welsh; people can listen for English translation of Welsh language. Moreover, people can buy gifts, souvenirs and showcase of Welsh talent in Assembly shop.

According to Cambridge Advance Learner’s Dictionary devolution means ‘ the moving from a central government to regional government.’ For example: from centre government in London to Welsh National Assembly.


Sunday 27 February 2011

Saint David's Day

         Welsh people celebrate St. David’s Day as one of their culture in the first of March. Many people wear traditional customs, pin a daffodil or leek to their clothes and especially children. St. David is important person to welsh. He lived for sixth century and he died in the first of March in 589. During his live Saint David were the primate of Wales and one of many early holier who assisted to extend Christianity among the pagan Celtic tribes of western Britain. He was the son of Non. Non she was the daughter of a local chieftain and his father Sant was the son of Ceredig, who was prince Ceredigion, a region in South- West Wales. Many stories where told about him, but nobody knows which are true and which are legend.
daffodils for st davids day
daffodil flower

         Every year they celebrate the St. David’s Day in Cardiff city centre. The celebration included music, food, festival, culture events and streets parties occur. In school, they have their especially celebration. Students wear traditional customs. Boys wear white shirt with black trousers, long wool socks and black shoes. In contrast, girls wear tall hat, a petticoat and overcoat. Finally, St. David’s Day is special day for Wales with great history.

Student Celebration

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day hold on 14 February celebrating love. The name of this day came from Christian martys, Saint Valentine.People on UK commemorate this day more than 150 years by sending a Valentine’s cards to a loved person. In addition, it is very common in schools to send unnamed card to other underhand love. Nowadays, people use text messages than snail mail for sanding cards which is faster and more useful. Also, in Valentine’s Day it is very popular that the man gives the women a gift like: flowers and chocolates. Some of the people give slightly more unusual gifts, for example: a helicopter flight, a balloon ride and many other gifts. Therefore, Valentine’s Day is special day for people who are in love.

The Government

The cabinet is a grouping of important ministers and officials of the royal household, collected of Prime Minister and some 22 Cabinet Ministers. They meets once a week to takes decisions about new policies.  

Monday 14 February 2011

British Parliment

The British Parliament made up of two Houses: the House of Commons and The House of Lords. House of Commons has more power than the Houses of Lords. Constituencies are a geographical area represented by Mps. Moreover, United Kingdom has 659 constituencies: 529 in England which is the most constituencies in Uk; 72 in Scotland; 40 in Wales; and 18 in Northern Ireland. They are different geographical size it depends in the density of population. In addition, general election is the time when everyone in the country chooses the government. ‘First past the post’ system is the system which people vote for a person to be MP for their Consistency (the person who gets the most of the vote even if the person has only one vote more than the other person he or she will win). After general election there is political party with the most MPs forms the government and the leader of the party becomes Prime Minister.

MPs 2010
 In the common house there are men and women MPs.In those days there are 143 female MPs and 12 women are ministers (9 MPs and 3 Peers). In 199, the first women chosen to the House of Common was Countess Constance Markievicz.    

Countess Constance Markievicz

Sunday 13 February 2011

Advantages & Disadvantages of EU

The European Union ‘is an economic and political union of 27 member states, which are located primarily in Europe’(1).
The European Union has advantages and disadvantages for Europe. Firstly, one of the positive points of EU is the diminution of the war probability. In addition, Europeans can move around freely. They have their freedom to live, work, study, and travel in any other EU country. Moreover, the Europeans single market, which enable to do a business in EU state easier and cheaper prices of their goods to become more competitive between them. However, there are some of disadvantages. One of the main demerits is to Loss of independence in many areas.


Tuesday 1 February 2011

Going to London..

Me and my friends planning to visit London in Saturday. We are going for 7 hours from 10:20 to 17:35 from Victoria Station .We will need £300 for the trip. When we arriving London, first we will go to visit the British museum in Great Russell street and we will spend there for 1 hour. We choose taxi as our transport.

British Museum

Secondly, we will visit Buckingham Palace. We will spend there for 2 hours and it cost £7 for student.

Buckingham Palace

Then we are going to Westminster Street to see the Big Ben.

London Big Ben

At 3:00pm to 7:00pm we want to do shopping and have a lunch in Oxford Street and we will need £200.

Oxford Street

And finally, after the nice and lovely day we are going back to the Victoria Station.

Monday 24 January 2011


North-west coast England, there are two large islands, one of the islands known as Great Britain and the other large one is called Ireland (the British Isles). In British Isles there are two states. One of these called The Republic of Ireland and they speak Irish language. The other state has authority over the rest of the British Isles its official name is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland it is usually known as 'The United Kingdom'. In everyday speech this is often shortened to 'The UK'.

British Isles has four different nations (England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland). Their political unification was a gradual process that took several hundred years. It was completed in 1800 when the Irish Parliament was joined with the Pariment for England, Scotland and Wales in Westminster, so that the whole of the Britain an Ireland. However, in 1922, most of Ireland became a separate state.

The four nations flags:



