Sunday 27 February 2011

Saint David's Day

         Welsh people celebrate St. David’s Day as one of their culture in the first of March. Many people wear traditional customs, pin a daffodil or leek to their clothes and especially children. St. David is important person to welsh. He lived for sixth century and he died in the first of March in 589. During his live Saint David were the primate of Wales and one of many early holier who assisted to extend Christianity among the pagan Celtic tribes of western Britain. He was the son of Non. Non she was the daughter of a local chieftain and his father Sant was the son of Ceredig, who was prince Ceredigion, a region in South- West Wales. Many stories where told about him, but nobody knows which are true and which are legend.
daffodils for st davids day
daffodil flower

         Every year they celebrate the St. David’s Day in Cardiff city centre. The celebration included music, food, festival, culture events and streets parties occur. In school, they have their especially celebration. Students wear traditional customs. Boys wear white shirt with black trousers, long wool socks and black shoes. In contrast, girls wear tall hat, a petticoat and overcoat. Finally, St. David’s Day is special day for Wales with great history.

Student Celebration

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