Sunday 27 February 2011

Saint David's Day

         Welsh people celebrate St. David’s Day as one of their culture in the first of March. Many people wear traditional customs, pin a daffodil or leek to their clothes and especially children. St. David is important person to welsh. He lived for sixth century and he died in the first of March in 589. During his live Saint David were the primate of Wales and one of many early holier who assisted to extend Christianity among the pagan Celtic tribes of western Britain. He was the son of Non. Non she was the daughter of a local chieftain and his father Sant was the son of Ceredig, who was prince Ceredigion, a region in South- West Wales. Many stories where told about him, but nobody knows which are true and which are legend.
daffodils for st davids day
daffodil flower

         Every year they celebrate the St. David’s Day in Cardiff city centre. The celebration included music, food, festival, culture events and streets parties occur. In school, they have their especially celebration. Students wear traditional customs. Boys wear white shirt with black trousers, long wool socks and black shoes. In contrast, girls wear tall hat, a petticoat and overcoat. Finally, St. David’s Day is special day for Wales with great history.

Student Celebration

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day hold on 14 February celebrating love. The name of this day came from Christian martys, Saint Valentine.People on UK commemorate this day more than 150 years by sending a Valentine’s cards to a loved person. In addition, it is very common in schools to send unnamed card to other underhand love. Nowadays, people use text messages than snail mail for sanding cards which is faster and more useful. Also, in Valentine’s Day it is very popular that the man gives the women a gift like: flowers and chocolates. Some of the people give slightly more unusual gifts, for example: a helicopter flight, a balloon ride and many other gifts. Therefore, Valentine’s Day is special day for people who are in love.

The Government

The cabinet is a grouping of important ministers and officials of the royal household, collected of Prime Minister and some 22 Cabinet Ministers. They meets once a week to takes decisions about new policies.  

Monday 14 February 2011

British Parliment

The British Parliament made up of two Houses: the House of Commons and The House of Lords. House of Commons has more power than the Houses of Lords. Constituencies are a geographical area represented by Mps. Moreover, United Kingdom has 659 constituencies: 529 in England which is the most constituencies in Uk; 72 in Scotland; 40 in Wales; and 18 in Northern Ireland. They are different geographical size it depends in the density of population. In addition, general election is the time when everyone in the country chooses the government. ‘First past the post’ system is the system which people vote for a person to be MP for their Consistency (the person who gets the most of the vote even if the person has only one vote more than the other person he or she will win). After general election there is political party with the most MPs forms the government and the leader of the party becomes Prime Minister.

MPs 2010
 In the common house there are men and women MPs.In those days there are 143 female MPs and 12 women are ministers (9 MPs and 3 Peers). In 199, the first women chosen to the House of Common was Countess Constance Markievicz.    

Countess Constance Markievicz

Sunday 13 February 2011

Advantages & Disadvantages of EU

The European Union ‘is an economic and political union of 27 member states, which are located primarily in Europe’(1).
The European Union has advantages and disadvantages for Europe. Firstly, one of the positive points of EU is the diminution of the war probability. In addition, Europeans can move around freely. They have their freedom to live, work, study, and travel in any other EU country. Moreover, the Europeans single market, which enable to do a business in EU state easier and cheaper prices of their goods to become more competitive between them. However, there are some of disadvantages. One of the main demerits is to Loss of independence in many areas.


Tuesday 1 February 2011

Going to London..

Me and my friends planning to visit London in Saturday. We are going for 7 hours from 10:20 to 17:35 from Victoria Station .We will need £300 for the trip. When we arriving London, first we will go to visit the British museum in Great Russell street and we will spend there for 1 hour. We choose taxi as our transport.

British Museum

Secondly, we will visit Buckingham Palace. We will spend there for 2 hours and it cost £7 for student.

Buckingham Palace

Then we are going to Westminster Street to see the Big Ben.

London Big Ben

At 3:00pm to 7:00pm we want to do shopping and have a lunch in Oxford Street and we will need £200.

Oxford Street

And finally, after the nice and lovely day we are going back to the Victoria Station.